Data exchange system
The Data Exchange System was established for the purpose of effective credit assessment and credit risk management, the encouragement of policies and measures for responsible lending and sustainable borrowing, and the prevention of over indebtedness on the part of individuals and legal entities.
The Data Exchange System is divided into:
- database on individual indebtedness - SISBON
- database on legal entities indebtedness - SISBIZ
Members of the Data Echange System
Entities defined by the second paragraph of Article 15 of the ZCKR must be included in the Data Exchange System, while entities defined by the third paragraph of Article 15 of the ZCKR may be included if they decided so. The Act also defines the right of access to a limited dataset for entities defined in the third paragraph of Article 19 of the ZCKR.
- Mandatory members of the Data Exchange System
- Optional members of the Data Exchange System
- Lenders that may access a limited dataset