Gospodarske razmere ostajajo negotove © Banka Slovenije

Economic situation remains uncertain

01/21/2025 / Press release

Despite the uncertainty in key export markets, economic activity in Slovenia remained relatively favourable in the final quarter of last year, in line with our latest projections. The domestic labour market is showing signs of cooling, even amid persistent tightness and continuing robust wage growth. Inflation in December was up slightly on the previous month as expected.

Mesečna informacija o poslovanju bank, november 2024 © Banka Slovenije

Monthly report on bank performance, November 2024

01/21/2025 / Publications

Banka Slovenije publishes monthly the key data of the banking system for the last available month. More detailed data on bank operations are also available in the form of an enriched statistical database.

Začenjajo se letošnji vse evropski stresni testi za pomembne banke Evrosistema © Adobe Stock

This year’s EU-wide stress tests for significant institutions in the Eurosystem begin

01/20/2025 / Press release

Under the aegis of the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the ECB, this year we will once again conduct stress tests for the 96 largest banks in the euro area. Of these, 45 fall under the direct supervision of the ECB. This sample of banks account for approximately 75% of the aggregate balance sheet total of banks in the euro area. The stress tests will be based on a bottom-up approach, with a number of top-down elements.

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Date: 12/18/2024

Main refinancing operations: 3.15


Date: 01/23/2025

EUR/USD 1.0404
EUR/CHF 0.9442

INFLATION RATE – HICP (annual percentage changes)

Date: 12/31/2024

  • 7.2%was the average headline inflation in 2023, as measured by HICP.

  • €10.7 billionwas excess liquidity of the Slovenian banking system at the end of 2023.

  • 1.0%was NPE ratio in the banking system at the end of 2023.

  • €16.4 billion net total of cash issued into circulation by the end of 2023 by Banka Slovenije since the adoption of the euro.


Where you can buy numismatic products, how the deposit guarantee scheme works, how much bank fees for payment services are, whether you can exchange foreign currency at Banka Slovenije, how you can register for the Education day, and similar?
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Do you know what the four key tasks of Banka Slovenije are?

At Banka Slovenije, we place great emphasis on financial literacy, as over the last few years there has been a strong need to offer the population a wide range of educational opportunities in the financial field. As part of our efforts in this area, we have also prepared a short animation presenting Banka Slovenije's key tasks.