12/20/2024 |
Guverner za Finance Manager
11/29/2024 |
Nagovor guvernerja na okrogli mizi Neposredne tuje naložbe se povečujejo: ali znamo izkoristiti priložnosti?
10/21/2024 |
Governor for Financial Times
10/17/2024 |
Address by the Governor at the final dinner as part of Governing Council meeting
10/16/2024 |
Address by the Governor at the official dinner as part of Governing Council meeting
10/10/2024 |
Address by the Governor at the official dinner of the SSM supervisory board's strategic retreat
10/08/2024 |
Governor for Bloomberg
10/04/2024 |
Nagovor guvernerja na dnevu odprtih vrat ob pričetku finančno-izobraževalnih projektov
10/02/2024 |
Pogovor guvernerja za Radio Slovenija
07/25/2024 |
Guverner za Radio Ognjišče o aktualnih razmerah
07/05/2024 |
Governor for Reuters
07/02/2024 |
Governor for Bloomberg
06/14/2024 |
Nagovor guvernerja na Bančni konferenci
Guverner Boštjan Vasle je nagovoril udeležence Bančne konference z naslovom Geopolitične in gospodarske razmere ter izzivi slovenskega bančništva in gospodarstva, ki je potekala v organizaciji Združenja bank Slovenije.
06/13/2024 |
Intervju guvernerja za Finance
06/13/2024 |
Guverner za Finančni POPkast
06/03/2024 |
Editorial by Governor Boštjan Vasle in the international edition of Bančni vestnik
05/27/2024 |
Vice Governor addressed the participants of the ACI FMA Adria Financial Market Conference
Vice Governor Marko Pahor addressed the participants of the ACI FMA Adria Financial Market Conference. He presented the role of money through history and introduced the advantages of implementation of digital euro.
05/17/2024 |
Opening address by the Governor at the joint conference of the Banka Slovenija and the International Monetary Fund
Governor Boštjan Vasle today addressed the participants of a joint conference of the Banka Slovenije and the International Monetary Fund, entitled Financial Systems in the Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe Region, which brought together high-level international and Slovenian speakers, panellists and experts from financial and consulting firms.
05/13/2024 |
Prispevek namestnika guvernerja v Sobotni prilogi
05/11/2024 |
Nagovor guvernerja na zaključku debatnega projekta Mojstri digitalne prihodnosti
Guverner Boštjan Vasle je danes nagovoril udeležence zaključka debatnega projekta Mojstri digitalne prihodnosti,
05/08/2024 |
Namestnik guvernerja sodeloval na dogodku ZBS
Namestnik guvernerja Primož Dolenc je nagovoril udeležence strokovnega srečanja z naslovom Bančna regulativa in upravljanje tveganj, ki je za člane nadzornih svetov in uprav bank ter hranilnic v virtualni obliki potekalo v organizaciji Združenja bank Slovenije.
04/24/2024 |
Nagovor viceguvernerke na dogodku CFA
Viceguvernerka Tina Žumer je nagovorila udeležence dogodka Društva CFA Slovenije z naslovom Integracija trajnostnih vidikov v naložbene odločitve.
03/22/2024 |
Speech by the Governor Boštjan Vasle at the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce conference
Governor Boštjan Vasle today addressed participants at the conference titled How Can Green Finance and Insurance Secure a Greener Future? organised by the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce.
02/28/2024 |
Guverner je bil gost v Odmevih
01/12/2024 |
Guverner in namestnik guvernerja predavala na Ekonomski fakulteti
Guverner Boštjan Vasle in namestnik guvernerja Primož Dolenc sta v okviru predmeta Bančni management predavala magistrskim študentom na Ekonomski fakulteti.
12/20/2023 |
Pogovor guvernerja za Radio Slovenija
12/18/2023 |
Governor for Reuters
12/15/2023 |
Opening speech by Boštjan Vasle at the event Digital Euro: Cash meets Technology
12/06/2023 |
Guverner in namestnik guvernerja na seminarju Ekonomske fakultete
Guverner Boštjan Vasle in namestnik guvernerja Primož Dolenc sta danes sodelovala na seminarju za strokovno javnost z naslovom Denarna politika in banke v 2024, ki ga je organiziral Center poslovne odličnosti Ekonomske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.
10/16/2023 |
Prispevek viceguvernerja Primoža Dolenca v Sobotni prilogi
10/04/2023 |
Nagovor guvernerja na dnevu odprtih vrat Spoznajte Banko Slovenije
Danes smo v Banki Sloveniji organizirali dan odprtih vrat Spoznajte Banko Slovenije in s tem uradno pričeli z debatnim projektom Mojstri digitalne prihodnosti, ki ga v letošnjem šolskem letu organiziramo pod pokroviteljstvom predsednice Republike Slovenije dr. Nataše Pirc Musar in guvernerja Boštjana Vasleta.
10/03/2023 |
Nagovor guvernerja ob predaji zbirateljskega kovanca zlatim olimpijcem
09/29/2023 |
Opening speech by Deputy Governor Primož Dolenc at the conference Towards the Climate Transition: Green Finance and Investment
09/15/2023 |
Governor for Bloomberg
09/13/2023 |
Viceguverner Marko Pahor o vlogi in pomenu digitalnega evra
Viceguverner Marko Pahor je v pogovoru za podcast Digitalna Slovenija predstavil vlogo in pomen digitalnega evra.
07/17/2023 |
Introductory remarks by the Governor at the ECB CESEE Conference panel
Governor Boštjan Vasle took part in the panel Macroeconomic Policy Challenges in a Changing Geopolitical Environment at the ECB CESEE conference.
07/14/2023 |
Lecture by the Governor to finance and management students in Frankfurt
07/04/2023 |
Interview with the Governor on Bloomberg TV
06/23/2023 |
Tine Žumer delivers a keynote speech at the Green Finance Conference
Vice-Governor Tina Žumer addressed the participants of the conference on Green Finance in South East Europe, Developing Capacities and a Taxonomy, held under the auspices of the CEF in Tirana.
06/19/2023 |
Lecture by the Governor for international students at the Faculty of Economics
Guverner Boštjan Vasle je kot gostujoči predavatelj študentom mednarodnega magistrskega programa (IMB) na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani predstavil ključne mejnike pri oblikovanju ukrepov denarne politike za naslavljanje visoke inflacije.
06/12/2023 |
Keynote speech by Primož Dolenc at ACI Slovenia Annual Assembly
06/02/2023 |
Governor as Guest Speaker at the Banking Conference
Governor Boštjan Vasle attended the Banking Conference titled Slovenia one year after the outbreak of global energy crisis and development priorities, organised by The Bank Association of Slovenia.
05/31/2023 |
Editorial by Governor Boštjan Vasle in the international edition of Bančni vestnik
05/30/2023 |
Governor’s contribution marking the 25th anniversary of the ECB: the importance of central bank independence
05/25/2023 |
Intervju guvernerja za Delo
05/05/2023 |
Governor’s statement following the ECB’s monetary policy meeting, with commentary on the current situation
Governing Council of the ECB opted yesterday for further action, and raised key interest rates at the seventh consecutive monetary policy meeting, this time by 25 basis points. The decision was also taken provisionally to discontinue the reinvestments of maturing principal under the APP as of July of this year.
04/20/2023 |
Opening speech by Boštjan Vasle, Governor of Banka Slovenije, at the lecture Introducing the Euro in Times of High Inflation: Case of Croatia
04/17/2023 |
Prispevek viceguvernerke Tine Žumer v Sobotni prilogi
03/28/2023 |
Uvodni nagovor guvernerja Boštjana Vasleta na razpravi Plačilna bilanca − pokazatelj stanja v gospodarstvu in vodilo za nosilce ekonomskih politik
03/03/2023 |
Opening address of governor Boštjan Vasle for governor Madis Müller's lecture entitled "Why is inflation so high and so different in different euro area countries?"
02/06/2023 |
Intervju guvernerja za STA
02/05/2023 |
Guverner za STA o prizadevanjih za večjo finančno pismenost
02/03/2023 |
Governor’s statement following the ECB’s monetary policy meeting
The slowdown in economic activity in the euro area continued in the final quarter of last year, but was not as sharp as expected. Data indicate that the aforementioned slowdown will be less pronounced again this year. Inflation eased slightly in the final three months of the year but remains high, as does core inflation. Improved outlooks regarding economic activity and interest rate hikes by major central banks are reflected on the financial markets.
02/03/2023 |
Guverner je bil gost v Odmevih
01/24/2023 |
Primož Dolenc was a guest on the radio programme Studio ob 17h
12/21/2022 |
Komentar guvernerja za Finance Manager
Guverner Boštjan Vasle je v komentarju z naslovom Z rekordno zaposlenostjo in visoko inflacijo v zahtevnejše obdobje povzel glavna dogajanja, ki so zaznamovala leto 2022. Spregovoril je o gospodarskih gibanjih, inflaciji, obrestnih merah, slovenskem bančnem sistemu, odzivih članov Sveta ECB na področju denarne politike in vplivu geopolitične ter energetske krize. Pogled je usmeril tudi v leto 2023 in naprej.
12/16/2022 |
Governor’s statement following the ECB’s monetary policy meeting
The Governing Council yesterday opted for further action. We raised our key interest rates for the fourth meeting in a row, by 0.5 percentage points on this occasion. Monetary policy normalisation was also continued via other instruments., and the framework for reducing the portfolio of securities purchased in previous years was outlined.
12/09/2022 |
Governor's address at the event Bulgaria in the Eurozone – Benefits and Opportunities
The governor took part in a panel entitled Adopting the Euro – relevant experiences and the way forward. He highlighted the challenges we faced in adopting the euro and presented the main factors that contributed to Slovenia's success in adopting the euro in such a short period of time.
11/29/2022 |
Tina Žumer in Primož Dolenc na seminarju Ekonomske fakultete
11/25/2022 |
Vice governor Primož Dolenc for the Bulgarian News Agency about the adoption of the euro in Slovenia
11/23/2022 |
The governor for Bloomberg Adria
11/21/2022 |
Nagovor guvernerja ob predstavitvi ugotovitev Mednarodnega denarnega sklada ob zaključku posvetovanj v Sloveniji
10/24/2022 |
Keynote speech by Primož Dolenc at ACI FMA Croatia
Primož Dolenc addressed the participants at the ACI FMA Croatia 30th Financial Markets Conference
10/20/2022 |
The governor for Bloomberg
Boštjan Vasle for Bloomberg about interest rate challenges and other topics.
10/14/2022 |
The governor for Reuters
Boštjan Vasle on the margins of the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group about interest rate challenges and other topics.
10/12/2022 |
Uvodni nagovor viceguvernerja Jožefa Bradeška na dogodku Statistični dan 2022: V luči podražitev
Dogodek sta organizirala Statistični urad RS in Statistično društvo Slovenije.
10/05/2022 |
Nagovor Primoža Dolenca na Strokovnem srečanju članov nadzornih svetov in uprav bank
Primož Dolenc je na Strokovnem srečanju članov nadzornih svetov in uprav bank, ki je potekalo v organizaciji Združenja bank Slovenije, spregovoril o vplivu inflacije na monetarno politiko in obrestno tveganje.
09/29/2022 |
Opening remarks by Boštjan Vasle, Governor of Banka Slovenije, at the conference Towards the Green Transition: Investment and Prices
V Banki Slovenije smo z Evropsko investicijsko banko gostili konferenco o zelenem prehodu. Govor je na voljo le v angleškem jeziku.
09/19/2022 |
The governor for Delo
The governor Boštjan Vasle made an interview for Delo. Content available in Slovene only.
09/16/2022 |
The governor was a guest on the radio programme Studio ob 17h
Guverner Boštjan Vasle je gostoval v oddaji Studio ob 17h na Radiu Slovenija. V pogovoru z Urško Jereb se je dotaknil aktualnih gospodarskih razmer, predvsem na področju inflacije. Pojasnil je odziv denarne politike s poudarkom na zadnji odločitvi Sveta ECB o dvigu ključnih obrestnih mer. Odprla pa so se tudi vprašanja glede razmer v slovenskem bančnem sistemu, zadnji odločitvi Sodišča EU in drugih aktualnih temah. Intervju je na volji na povezavi.
09/12/2022 |
Keynote speech by Tina Žumer, Deputy Governor of Banka Slovenije, at Conference on pension and disability insurance
Content in Slovene only.
09/09/2022 |
Governor’s statement following the ECB’s Governing Council monetary policy meeting
The euro area recorded favourable economic growth in the first half of this year, expecting this growth to slow down significantly over the coming quarters. The forecast published today predicts 3.1% growth this year, with the growth forecast slowing to 0.9% next year due to Russia’s military aggression. Inflation is expected to reach 8.1% on average this year, then it is expected to decline gradually in the coming year.
07/04/2022 |
Speech by Governor at the presentation of the OECD report for Slovenia
The event was hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia. Content available in Slovene only.
06/21/2022 |
Keynote speech by Tina Žumer, Deputy Governor of Banka Slovenije, at the ACI Slovenia Annual Assembly
The event was hosted by the ACI Slovenia.
06/16/2022 |
Keynote speech by Tina Žumer, Deputy Governor of Banka Slovenije, at the Banking Conference
Content in Slovene only.
06/01/2022 |
Keynote speech by Tina Žumer, Deputy Governor of Banka Slovenije, at the Government Borrowers Forum 2022
The event was hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia.
04/22/2022 |
Governor's statement for TV news programme Odmevi
Speaking on the sidelines of the meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, Governor Boštjan Vasle explained for TV news programme Odmevi, that the main impact on Europe and the world will be from slightly lower economic growth and higher inflation
04/22/2022 |
Governor’s statement from the spring meeting of the IMF and the World Bank
On this occasion the regular spring meeting is being overshadowed by the Russian military aggression and its impact on the economy. The impact of the conflict is reaching global proportions. First it was reflected in a rise in energy prices and food prices. It is now increasingly being reflected in economic developments, where it is EU Member States that are most exposed. As a result of the shock to the economy from the conflict, economic growth will be lower than previously forecast, but still solid, while the current assessment is that the impact on inflation will be even larger.
04/05/2022 |
The governor for Bloomberg
The governor Boštjan Vasle made an interview for Bloomberg.
03/30/2022 |
The governor was a guest on the radio programme Studio ob 17h
02/23/2022 |
Article by Governor Boštjan Vasle in Eurofi magazine
Transition from crisis mode to a gradual normalisation of monetary policy
12/24/2021 |
Article by Deputy Governor Primož Dolenc in Manager magazine
Content in Slovene only.
12/20/2021 |
Governer's interview for RTV
Content in Slovene only.
11/30/2021 |
Analysis of bank performance and current information on financial stability – presentation
The deputy governor Primož Dolenc presented analysis of bank performance and current information on financial stability at the seminar Monetary policy and bank in 2022.
11/30/2021 |
Monetary policy in the euro area – presentation
The governor Boštjan Vasle presented monetary policy in the euro area at the seminar Monetary policy and banks in 2022.
11/25/2021 |
Current challenges and the future development of the Slovenian banking system
Deputy Governor Primož Dolenc and colleagues of the Financial Stability and Macroprudential Policy Department at the Banka Slovenije - Meta Ahtik, Mitja Lavrič, Borut Poljšak, Mark Požlep, Franc Remšak, Iskra Sokolovska and Robert Volčjak – published an article Current challenges and the future development of the Slovenian banking system in the international edition of the journal Bančni vestnik.
11/25/2021 |
Governor’s editorial to the special issue of Bančni vestnik
The role, opportunities and challenges of the banking sector after the pandemic crisis.
11/24/2021 |
Governor’s speech at Slovenian Bankers’ Day
Governor Boštjan Vasle was speaking to attendees of Slovenian Bankers’ Day, held on 24 November 2021 and organised by the Bank Association of Slovenia.
10/25/2021 |
Vice governor Jožef Bradeško about digital euro
(Content only in Slovene)
10/18/2021 |
Kako pripravljen je slovenski bančni sistem za spopad s trenutnimi tveganji in prihodnjimi izzivi?
Delo, Sobotna priloga, 16. oktober 2021 – dr. Primož Dolenc, namestnik guvernerja, Banka Slovenije, dr. Meta Ahtik, direktorica oddelka Finančna stabilnost in makrobonitetna politika, Banka Slovenije
10/14/2021 |
Globalisation and inflation: Insights from the ECB strategy review
Article written by Tina Žumer, Vice Governor BS with soauthors.
10/08/2021 |
Address by Boštjan Vasle, governor of Banka Slovenije, at the celebration of Banka Slovenije’s 30th anniversary
Cankarjev dom, 7 October 2021
09/21/2021 |
Governer's interview for Eurofi magazin
Governer Boštjan Vasle for Eurofi magazin
09/10/2021 |
Governor’s statement following the ECB’s monetary policy meeting
In the second quarter of this year, the euro area, and in particular Slovenia, recorded a strong recovery in economic activity. Despite the high risks associated with the future course of the epidemic, this is continuing in the third quarter. There was also a strengthening of inflation, although we anticipate that following a gradual rise up to the end of the year, it will start easing off in the coming year. With the continued support of monetary policy, conditions in the financial markets continue to look highly favourable.
09/08/2021 |
Opening speech by governor on The Eurofi Financial Forum 2021
Governor Boštjan Vasle had opening speech on The Eurofi Financial Forum 2021, which takes place from 8 to 10 September in Ljubljana.
08/16/2021 |
Vice governor Jožef Bradeško about digital euro
Content only in Slovene
07/23/2021 |
Governor’s statement following the meeting of the Governing Council of the ECB
The economic picture in the euro area improved sharply in the second quarter of this year. The health situation, the vaccine rollout and the easing of containment measures have given rise to a broad-based recovery. The Governing Council assesses these developments as on track with our forecasts, while the risks remain evenly balanced. The situation on the financial markets remains stable, amid significant monetary policy support.
07/09/2021 |
Governor’s statement following the meeting of the Governing Council of the ECB: ECB monetary policy strategy review complete
Euro area central bank governors approved a new monetary policy strategy this week. In it we have revised our approach to meeting the primary objective of price stability, and have also set out the instruments used to do so. The strategy also outlines the steps to be taken by central banks in facing the challenges posed by climate change.
06/11/2021 |
Governor’s statement following the ECB’s monetary policy meeting
With what is now a more favourable epidemiological outlook, members of the Governing Council of the ECB deliberated yesterday over the improved economic forecast for the euro area. For this year, we expect a strong acceleration in economic activity, and the high growth rate will continue into the coming year. At the same time, despite this year’s acceleration, inflation will remain below the desired level. Conditions on the financial markets remain stable.
04/23/2021 |
Governor’s statement following the ECB’s monetary policy meeting
The outlook for economic growth is improving in the euro area, as businesses and households increasingly adapt their behaviour. The Governing Council of the ECB’s assessment is that the latest figures support our forecasts, which nevertheless go hand-in-hand with great uncertainty, given the persistently bad epidemiological picture. The situation on the financial markets has also stabilised, with significant support from the accommodative monetary policy. In this situation the Governing Council decided yesterday to reconfirm the measures put in place to date, thereby continuing to ensure favourable financing conditions for the banking sector, the non-banking sector and the governments of the Eurosystem.
03/12/2021 |
Governor’s statement following the meeting of the Governing Council of the ECB: higher pace of securities purchases to ensure favourable financing conditions
As the recovery strengthens in the second half of the year, economic growth in the euro area will reach 4% this year, although the risks remain high. Despite the recovery, price pressures will remain weak: inflation will stay below its medium-term target, reaching 1.4% at the end of the projection horizon. The members of the Governing Council were in complete agreement that ensuring favourable financing conditions for the banking sector, the non-banking sector and Eurosystem governments by maintaining a highly accommodative monetary policy is the key in this situation.
02/04/2021 |
Governor’s statement: Eurosystem’s commitment to sustainable and socially responsible investment in central bank portfolios
The central banks of the Eurosystem are aware of the importance of climate risks and their potential financial consequences. On the Governing Council of the ECB we have therefore set out a common framework for socially responsible and sustainable investment in connection with central banks’ own portfolios of euro-denominated securities. Over the next two years central banks will begin monitoring these portfolios through various indicators of social responsibility and sustainability in investment.
01/22/2021 |
Governor’s statement following the ECB’ monetary policy meeting
In the face of the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic situation in euro area countries, Slovenia included, remains serious. In contrast to the first wave, when industry also suffered a major decline, it is mainly services that have been hit in the current winter wave. The situation on the financial markets remains stable, amid the monetary policy support put in place by the Governing Council last year. There was also an improvement in government borrowing terms in Slovenia, and Slovenian banks have been allowed to provide favourable financing conditions for businesses and households.