Bank of Slovenia is collecting, processing, making ready and disseminating the data on exchange rates, interest rates, financial intermediaries, economic relations with the rest of the world, etc.
Among the most important ones are the statistical data, which are in the Bank of Slovenia from 1994 processed in the Financial Statistics department. Statistical work comprises particularly three wide areas: external statistics, statistics of financial intermediaries and statistics of financial accounts.
Statistical data are at disposal of internal and external users, among which are the most requiring international institutions, as well of domestic and external public.
Statistical tasks of the Bank of Slovenia within the ESCB base on the Statute of the ESCB and ECB, while is Bank of Slovenia in Slovenian framework on the basis of National Statistics Act an authorized performer of the Programme of Statistical Surveys. In statistical work in the Bank of Slovenia, we have to respect principles of the Public commitment of European statistics by the ESCB.