Meeting with the President of the National Assembly about the importance of financial literacy amongst young people

10/21/2022 / Press release

At today’s working meeting, Governor of Banka Slovenije Boštjan Vasle hosted the President of the Slovenian National Assembly, Urška Klakočar Zupančič. Talks were held at the Banka Slovenije museum about the importance of financial literacy amongst children and young people, and about the importance of including financial topics at all levels of the education system.

Banka Slovenije has significantly enhanced its activities in the area of financial literacy over the last four years. We take different approaches to presenting children and young people topics that are important for understanding the financial environment in which they are growing up, and to teach them a responsible attitude towards money and savings. We are aware that financial literacy is one of the central bank’s key tasks. For this reason, we have put the strengthening of this area at the core of our strategic objectives in the coming years. One of our most important objectives is to strengthen financial literacy in the curricula of primary and secondary schools, and to include financial topics at all levels of the education system.

We presented our plans to the President of the National Assembly during her visit to the Banka Slovenije museum, which we opened, in part, to present to the general public the work of the central bank, and its tasks and role in the country, and to raise awareness of the importance of financial education, which we also organise in the museum through a number of illustrative and didactic exhibits. To mark the occasion, we presented the President of the National Assembly a gold medallion that was issued to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Banka Slovenije. 

Predsednica DZ Urška Klakočar Zupančič iz rok guvernerja Banke Slovenije Boštjana Vasleta prejema zlato medaljo izdano ob 30. obletnici Banke Slovenije.

Rokovanje predsednice Državnega zbora Urške Klakočar Zupančič in guvernerja Banke Slovenije Boštjana Vasleta.

Predsednica Državnega zbora Urška Klakočar Zupančič si je skupaj z guvernerjem Banke Slovenije Boštjanom Vasletom ogledala Muzej Banke Slovenije.