Press release - Analysis of fees charged by banks and savings banks for payment services-2016

03/13/2017 / Press release

The Bank of Slovenia has drawn up its annual Analysis of fees charged by banks and savings banks for payment services, and calculation of the costs of payment service baskets for 2016*, which covered 15 banks and three savings banks. The analysis is divided into two sections: (i) Analysis of fees, and (ii) Calculation of costs of payment service baskets.

In order to draw up the analysis of fees and the calculation of costs of payment service baskets the Bank of Slovenia obtains data from various sources, whereby the reporters are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the reported data. Reliable, high-quality reported data allows for the preparation of analysis that provides payment service users (individual consumers and legal entities alike) with a genuine comparison of the fees that various payment service providers charge for specific payment services. Depending on their needs and payment habits, users may choose the most suitable or cheapest payment service provider for themselves. The Bank of Slovenia cannot directly influence the level of fees (this is the domain of the individual payment service providers), but by publishing the fees it can ensure that informed choices are made.
Summary of Analysis of fees section

Of the total of 21 payment service segments analysed, the average fees as at 31 December 2016 were up on 31 December 2015 in six segments, were down in five segments, and remained unchanged in ten segments. The largest increase, of 28.00%, was recorded by the average fee for cash withdrawals using a debit card at the ATM of another provider, which is the result of the introduction of such fees by two payment service providers (having previously been free-of-charge) and an increase in the fee by one other provider. The largest reduction, of 5.88%, in the average fee was in the segment of direct debits by legal entities in the role of payer.

Summary of Calculation of costs of payment service baskets section

 Bank of Slovenia basketSlovenian Consumers’ Association basketBank of Slovenia basket
Traditional customerE-customerTraditional customerE-customerTraditional customerE-customer
Most expensive payment serviceSberbank banka d.d.Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.Sberbank banka d.d.Nova KBM d.d.Banka Sparkasse d.d.Sberbank d. d.
149,91 EUR53,67 EUR262,20 EUR86,16 EUR1.093,25 EUR489,08 EUR

Cheapest payment service

Delavska hranilnica d.d.Delavska hranilnica d.d.Delavska hranilnica d.d.Delavska hranilnica d.d.Primorska hranilnica Vipava d.d.Delavska hranilnica d. d.
28,20 EUR24,60 EUR38,04 EUR30,84 EUR343,20 EUR179,30 EUR

*only in sl. language: Analiza nadomestil bank in hranilnic za plačilne storitve ter izračun stroškov košaric plačilnih storitev - 2016