Decisions adopted by the Governing Board on the occasion of its 330th regular meeting on 20 April 2006

04/20/2006 / Press release

At today’s meeting the Governing Board of the Bank of Slovenia debated and approved guidelines for managing foreign exchange reserves that contain all the adjustments necessary for the Bank of Slovenia joining the Eurosystem.

The Governing Board studied the methodology for drawing up public finance statistics according to the ECB’s requirements, and the organisation and implementation of tasks in this area in Slovenia. The additional requirements proceed mainly from the level of consistency demanded in various macroeconomic statistics, with the development of financial account statistics in Slovenia a factor in making this possible. 
Board members were also briefed on the changes in the methodology and publication of Slovenia’s monetary and banking statistics brought by the adjustment of figures to ECB standards. The current package of balance sheet tables for the Bank of Slovenia and other banks given in the Monthly Bulletin, which are based on the IMF’s methodological standards, will be replaced in May 2006 by a package of structurally similar tables for the Bank of Slovenia and other monetary financial institutions drawn up in accordance with ECB standards. The changes will be detailed in the Bulletin’s methodological explanations. The new figures will be available from December 2004 on, but time series of the previous figures will still be available to the public on the Bank of Slovenia’s website.

The Governing Board approved the Annual Report for 2005.

The Governing Board issued Mr Urban Golob with an authorisation to hold office as a member of the management board of Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank d.d.