Decisions adopted by the Governing Board on 4 October 2006
10/04/2006 / Press release
- At its session today, the Governing board of the Bank of Slovenia adopted the Monetary Policy Report, which the Governor of the Bank of Slovenia, Mitja Gaspari, will present at the press conference to be held in the meeting room of the Bank of Slovenia, 1st floor, Slovenska Cesta 35, Ljubljana at 11 am on Monday, 9 October 2006.
- The Governing board of the Bank of Slovenia has also received the results of the second public opinion poll on the introduction of the euro (PDF, 337 kB).
- The Governing board of the Bank of Slovenia has also adopted a decision on terminating the operation of the Real-Time Gross Settlement System (RTGSS), which was established on 6 April 1998 and was intended for the settlement of necessary payments and high-value payments in domestic currency. The decision will go into effect on 1 January 2007 as the Bank of Slovenia and today's participants in the RTGSS will fully join the TARGET (Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System) on the day of the introduction of the euro (including domestic payments).
The Bank of Slovenia and 17 banks and savings institutions are already settling cross-border euro payments as remote participants in the TARGET system through the RTGSplus system of Deutsche Bundesbank. The remaining banks, which opted for direct participation in the TARGET system as of the day of the introduction of the euro have successfully performed all necessary tests for joining the TARGET system and will start conducting transactions through the RTGSplus system of Deutsche Bundesbank as of 1 January 2007.
In-country payments which are now made between participants in the RTGSS system and payments in respect of the payment services provided by participants to their clients will be made through participants' settlement accounts in the TARGET system as of the day of the introduction of the euro.