Aktualne spremembe predpisov
- tržno tveganje:
- The EBA publishes final draft technical standards on the conditions for determining whether an instrument attracting residual risk acts as a hedge (17 December 2024)
Regulatory Technical Standards on the exemption from the residual risk add-on own funds requirements for certain type of hedges (17 December 2024)
Final Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the exemption from the residual risk add-on own funds requirements for certain type of hedges (EBA/RTS/2024/20; 17 December 2024)
- The EBA publishes final draft technical standards on the conditions for determining whether an instrument attracting residual risk acts as a hedge (17 December 2024)
- II. steber:
- ECB: 2024 SREP results and supervisory priorities for 2025-27 (17 December 2024)
- The EBA publishes a no action letter on the application of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (17 December 2024)
Opinion of the European Banking Authority on the application of EMIR 3 with respect to Initial Margin models as referred to in Article 1, points (10) and (53) of Regulation (EU) No 2024/2987 (EBA/Op/2024/09; 17 December 2024)
Supervisory Briefing on CCP’s Ongoing Monitoring of Operational Capacity of Clearing Members under Article 37(2) of EMIR (ESMA91-1505572268-3611; 17 December 2024)
Trajnostno financiranje:
- Uredba (EU) 2024/3005 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. novembra 2024 o preglednosti in celovitosti dejavnosti ocenjevanja okoljskih, socialnih in upravljavskih (ESG) dejavnikov ter spremembi uredb (EU) 2019/2088 in (EU) 2023/2859 (UL L št. 2024/3005 z dne 12. decembra 2024)
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