
Sklepi Banke Slovenije

Sklep o letnih nadomestilih za opravljanje nadzora in taksah v zvezi s postopki odločanja Banke Slovenije (Uradni list RS, št. 202/21)
Sklep o podatkih in informacijah za opredelitev banke kot majhne in nekompleksne (Uradni list RS, št. 21/21 in 92/21 - ZBan-3)

Sklep o odlogu in prenehanju obveznosti poročanja bank, hranilnic, podružnic držav članic, plačilnih institucij, družb za izdajo elektronskega denarja, menjalcev in drugih obveznikov (Uradni list RS, št. 49/20, 58/20 in 92/21 - ZBan-3)

Sklep o merilih za določitev pomembne banke (Uradni list RS, št. 115/21) 

Sklep o poročanju posameznih dejstev in okoliščin bank in hranilnic (Uradni list RS, št. 115/21 in 161/22)

- Priloga 1: Obrazec POR-1: Poročilo o deležih v pravne osebe
- Priloga 2: Obrazec POR-2: Poročilo o kvalificiranih naložbah
- Priloga 3: Obrazec POR-3: Poročilo o kvalificiranih deležih izven finančnega sektorja
- Priloga 4: Obrazec POR-4: Izpostavljenost tveganju koncentracije
- Priloga 5: Obrazec PRESTR: Struktura načrta prestrukturiranja
Sklep o poročanju podružnic bank držav članic (Uradni list RS, št. 184/21) – v uporabi od 30. decembra 2021
Sklep o poročanju podružnic bank držav članic (neuradno prečiščeno besedilo z dne 15. decembra 2020, Uradni list RS, št. 97/20, 189/20) – v uporabi do 29. decembra 2021
Sklep o dokumentaciji za izdajo dovoljenja za kvalificirano naložbo banke in hranilnice (Uradni list RS, št. 47/15 in 92/21 - ZBan-3)



Smernice EBA in pripadajoči sklepi Banke Slovenije

Priporočilo organa EBA o rabi identifikatorja pravnih subjektov (LEI) (EBA/REC/2014/01; 29. januarja 2014)                                                                 
Sklep o uporabi Priporočila organa EBA o rabi identifikatorja pravnih subjektov (LEI) (Uradni list RS, št. 47/15)                                                                                                      



Posvetovalni dokumenti in dokumenti pred objavo v UL

ESA Final Report on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards to further harmonise ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policies as mandated under Articles 15 and 16(3) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 (JC 2023 86; 10 01 2024) /
ESA Final Report On Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the standard templates for the purposes of the register of information in relation to all contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services provided by ICT third-party service providers under Article 28(9) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 (JC 2023 85; 10 01 2024) /
ESA Final Report on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards to specify the detailed content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers as mandated by Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 (JC 2023 84; 10 01 2024) /
ESA Final Report on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards specifying the criteria for the classification of ICT related incidents, materiality thresholds for major incidents and significant cyber threats under Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 (JC 2023 83; 10 January 2024) /
ESA Consultation Paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards specifying elements related to threat led penetration test (JC 2023 72; 27 November 2023) /
ESA Consultation Paper on Draft joint guidelines on the oversight cooperation and information exchange between the ESAs and the competent authorities under Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 (JC 2023 71; 27 November 2023) /
ESA Consultation Paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the content of the notification and reports for major incidents and significant cyber threats and determining the time limits for reporting major incidents and Draft Implementing Technical Standards On the standard forms, templates and procedures for financial entities to report a major incident and to notify a significant cyber threat (JC 2023 70; 27 Novemner 2023) /
ESA Consultation Paper on Draft regulatory technical standard on the harmonisation of conditions enabling the conduct of the oversight activities under Article 41(1) points (a), (b) and (d) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 (JC 2023 69; 27 November 2023) /
ESA Consultation paper on Joint Guidelines on the estimation of aggregated annual costs and losses caused by major ICT-related incidents (JC 2023 68; 27 November 2023) /
ESA Consultation Paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards to specify the elements which a financial entity needs to determine and assess when subcontracting ICT services supporting critical or important functions as mandated by Article 30(5) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 (JC 2023 67; 27 November 2023) /




Decision of the European Banking Authority EBA/DC/373 of 18 February 2021 concerning information required for the monitoring of Basel supervisory standards (EBA/DC/2021/373; 17 January 2024)  /
Poročilo Komisije  Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu: Ocena ustreznosti informacij, ki jih je treba razkriti na podlagi člena 89(1) Direktive 2013/36/EU (COM(2023) 344 final; 26. 6. 2023)
Recent trends in UK financial sector regulation and possible implications for the EU, including its approach to equivalence (PE 740.067; February 2023) /
EU sanctions (19 December 2022) /
Sanctions adopted following Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine (October 2022) /
ESMA coordinates regulatory response to the war in Ukraine and its impact on EU financial markets (14 March 2022) /
EBA calls on financial institutions to ensure compliance with sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Ukraine and to facilitate access to basic payment accounts for refugees (11 March 2022) /
ECB – Coronavirus (June 2023) /
EBA - Our response to Coronavirus (Covid-19) (December 2022) /
EBA Discussion Paper on proportionality assessment methodology (EBA/DP/2021/03; 22 July 2021) /
Digital Identity with LEIs (February 2021) /

EBA identifies trends and lessons learned in financial education and literacy initiatives in its second Financial Education Report (30 March 2020)

Opinion of the European Banking Authority on communications to supervised entities regarding money laundering and terrorist financing risks in prudential supervision (EBA-Op-2019-08; 24 July 2019) /
EBA Report on the prudential risks and opportunities arising for institutions from Fintech (3 July 2018) /
EBA Report on the impact of Fintech of incumbent credit institutions' business model (3 July 2018) /